In flash, we have been know each other around 508 days. In the end, we turn to our own way that couldn't merge at all in future. Started from today, the room that we renovate together is not our room anymore. We are no longer sharing the same status of friend anymore. No longer stand side-by-side, no longer living hand-in-hand. I have flashed back the days that we are really poor until forced to eat crackers for the whole day, the days we practice music, singing, stay up late for movies, drama series, cleaning, 'pou'ing, eating.... We have also explored a lot of unfamiliar roads in town, in rural and even in the jungle. The stories that we've shared, the tears that we have shed were too much within one year. Good luck to you, cherish my friend.
10 years ago
4 bites on an apple:
Looking at those pic make me miss those crazy moment also ler...haha....will always keep in minds...never be deleted too!! GAMBATEH to all my dear frens....
i miss those days...
miss those days we crazy together...
laugh together...
slept late together...
fun together...
really miss those days...
all the best to you guys....
I like the first pic :) and u guys went PARIS without me! :P
to Sya: hahaha u went US also without us, hahaha...
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