无意中看见仁修学长的部落格中提及他分手的感想,才发现很多我已犯上的错误。我觉得他写得很贴切,就摘了下来~分手时不该问的问题。 第一个,不要问为什么会分手?既然已经分手,一切已经没有机会挽回,就不要再问为什么,会更加觉得离开你是对的,为 什么?因为你很可怜。 第二个,不要问还有没有机会可以破镜重圆?那只会给你更深的伤害。 第三个,不要问还记不记得曾经的快乐时光?如果已经离开你,就是因为对方已经忘却了曾经的时光,即使记起也是在分手后很久的事,而绝不会是分手时。 第四个,不要问我哪里比不上他/她?他/她会说你的确比她/他好。虽然他/她可能会后悔,但绝不是在分手时。 第五个,不要问曾经说过的话为什么就成为了儿戏?因为山盟海誓本来就是成年人的儿戏。 第六个,不要问10年以后的分手纪念日我们可不可以见上一面?对方会笑你只会说将来,而不懂得把握曾经拥有的东西,还会说就是因为你给的承诺太多,所以才离开你。 第七个,不要问为什么自己能够拒绝别人的诱惑苦苦坚持真爱,而他/她却不能?对方会说她更喜欢现实点的东西,你也该知道什么叫现实点的东西。 第八个,不要问为什么抛弃了当初共同的理想?他/她会说理想本来就是很虚无。 第九个,不要问还可不可以做个朋友?那都是自欺欺人的话语,你的心已经被剧烈的割伤,何必还要掩饰什么,谁都知道你们不可能再成为普通朋友,不要抱有什么幻想了。 第十个,不要问在对方心里你还占据着什么样的位子?他/她会说把这份爱珍藏在内心的最深处,说白了,就是再也不愿翻开的记忆,不是吗?
Walking down the street, i saw a girl holding on a boy's hand tightly. They are holding close together and walk through the crowd happily without bothering others' mind. It is so amazing love can be, make me recall the day i hold your hand too. I'ld like to hold your hand every second you are unwilling though. It's shameful to tell that my heart beating severely during that time, coz that was my first time to hold your hand but also the last time. So ridiculous right? yup sometimes truth is so unbelievable. Once hold, it will be hardly to let go.
I think i should just dash out from here without any notice, i am bored with this kind of company. Calculative boss, black face colleague, weird job, unlimited job scope and empty working space....
Where i should be in year 2012? I do believe in all those myth, or maybe it's truth. Anyway my life have to be gone thro' all the routine as normal too.
气到爆!竟然身为一个成熟男人为了那么一点点小事而呛声要和人绝交?! 天啊是我的EQ 低还是你很幼稚?有什么事就当面讲,不要打了电话又是盖人电话,又是逃避的。学会社交吧!几岁人了还活在自己的世界里。朋友是长久的,难道非搞到不欢而散你才满意?今生能当朋友是我们前世修来的福!祝你好运。
The only meaningful thing i bought from Singapore, a music box with the song "Lover Concerto" that i've chose to you. I'll keep the music box till the day i meet you. Hereby this is the song i attempt to dedicate to you since long time ago. Hopefully you can receive my message, i just can't afford to wait because we don't know what will happen tomorrow.
on the meadow. Birds high up on the trees,
serenade the clouds with their melodies.*
Oh! See there beyond the hill,
the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us, just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms,
and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.
Now, I belong to you,
from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you
every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry,
through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me, keep this day
in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms, and say
once again you love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.
* How gentle is the rain, that falls softly
on the meadow. Birds high up on the trees,
serenade the clouds with their melodies.*
Repeat *
Oh! See there beyond the hill,
the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us, just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms,
and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.
Now, I belong to you,
from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you
every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry,
through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me, keep this day
in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms, and say
once again you love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.
Singapore I was back again! Of course this time is due to something more exciting. (The first time in Singapore was cause off my brother hospitalized). This time would be more happening due to the Vrooom vroom vroom.....Singapore nighttime F1!!! no no no~ not F1, it's my brother ROM or same say as Solemnization! Oh my god, time goes by so rapidly! My brother gonna be officially ppl's hubby.