
7:42 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

New learned words 名句精华。"黄毅老师的兵乓拍!"几搞笑一下的。。。
好想念大家。。。两天两夜的马六甲之旅就如同回到自己梦里熟悉的老家一样,多么的亲切。重游马六甲,去游玩的地方少了,但认识的人多了,甚至比起在hometown 还来得多呢?! 然而好友纷纷都变了,口袋的钱多了,人生经验多了,故事也跟着多了。。。但唯独不变的是友谊里那份亲切感。深深的拥抱、畅游、无厘头的玩乐,真是痛快极了!
今日之别不懂合时再能相见。 我期待那天重逢时我们还是没变,改变的惟有是岁月。


11:42 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

Does underwear important for men? Of course it’s. It's one of the last things you take off right before getting down to your business! But is men's underwear really all about sex allure? Not exactly, in my opinion comfortable is the main. But undeniably, sexually fueled underwear still provides their function today.

Boxer, square, bikini, g string, thong or even jockstrap are also designed for homosapiens to have more comfy space your sensitive part or the important part representing yourself (male or female). Especially g-string or thong and jockstrap likewise, types of them are especially designed for those sweating severely and refuse to have sticky or itchy butt after taking off it. e.g. athlete. Contrary, peoples treat as kind of quirks when they notice men in thong, because they thought thong is specially designed for sexy female. But in actual, thong is the only men’s wear in ancient time, even though it still can be found in many tribal groups nowadays.

Men's underwear does serve as function to provide support under clothing, they add a sanitary barrier and it protects a very sensitive area of the body in clean and easy to dry manner. But, has underwear evolved into being more about the sexual allure? So do you think? Or do you just want your underwear for the sex appeal?


8:38 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

时间:茶点时刻 地点:合您广场麦当劳餐厅 人物:友人一家大小与我
就差那么一点!我的身家就被我毁于一旦。还好多亏麦当劳叔叔的庇佑,才让我重索我的小黑。以后别在麦当劳里浪费食物,辣椒酱不要挥霍的拿。会有报应的!呵呵.... 我的全副身家就只有小黑和小白。 一个都不能少。

be thanksgiving

9:46 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Please be a little bit more thankful to what my mum did to you. Even you refuse to have it due to unknown reason, you also have to show some appreciation to me. For me, "I DON'T WANT" tend to be a mean word (maybe i am a 'yes' man). It's hurt. Ya, i shouldn't take anything to you without your permission, no next time i swear!


7:39 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

"Overheard", an ordinary HongKong film that recently shown on cinema. Actually, our original plan was G.I.Joe but the lousy cinema seems running out of ticket. (It were our fault since the movie was started 5 minutes ago, plus there was only a little hall on showing hehe...). While waiting for my friend who still having her sumptuous dinner with her family, we decided to switch our plan to a Cantonese film which is not really well-known, as long as i am not so familiar with it, should be considered as infamous. It only cost us 8 bucks, indirectly reflecting eastern movie c.h.e.a.p.e.r?
While the movie already half-way showing, we just went in right 15 minutes later. We missed few scenes. Well, speaking the actors' acting (not really a action movie) and the story line not too bad, overall it's a nice movie indeed. But there are few scenes are far from the reality. In addition, the main actors in this movie are my favourite actors Louis Koo, LauChingWan, especially Daniel Wu already worth for the watch, where, all the actress unexpected pretty!!! The tenseness story line having a lot of climax which tend to made me breathless but yet i like it.
After the movie we came across to the newly opened cafe named George Town which I had briefly introduce last time. Imitation from Old Town but i think it is better. A cup of refreshen cardamom drink+ oldish english songs, made me enjoy the environment, the most important was enjoying yam-cha with my best friends. We've to called it a day after the supper due to the DAMN COMPANY ask me to work for the half day work, do nothing! Stuck at the middle of my weekend break, make me really sick with it.

掌纹 palmprint

4:07 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Introduce you a very nice song composed by Gary Chow!


1:39 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)





