
5:35 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)


第一个,不要问为什么会分手?既然已经分手,一切已经没有机会挽回,就不要再问为什么,会更加觉得离开你是对的,为 什么?因为你很可怜。










hold your hand

10:33 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

Walking down the street, i saw a girl holding on a boy's hand tightly. They are holding close together and walk through the crowd happily without bothering others' mind. It is so amazing love can be, make me recall the day i hold your hand too. I'ld like to hold your hand every second you are unwilling though. It's shameful to tell that my heart beating severely during that time, coz that was my first time to hold your hand but also the last time. So ridiculous right? yup sometimes truth is so unbelievable. Once hold, it will be hardly to let go.


10:20 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

I think i should just dash out from here without any notice, i am bored with this kind of company. Calculative boss, black face colleague, weird job, unlimited job scope and empty working space....

I should have more confident to leave, but i don't have any ticket to leave... Maybe i'ld sit down and think about my burden before making any decision. Finally, I polish up my mind and continue to be a fool at here, because as a poor one I shouldn't oppose with MONEY!

time for miracles

1:30 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Where i should be in year 2012? I do believe in all those myth, or maybe it's truth. Anyway my life have to be gone thro' all the routine as normal too.

Well i would like to dedicate the 2012 theme song to someone reading this blog. I wish i would be able to hold you tight when doomsday come...

My Weekend

7:53 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

My two "勇字当前" east malaysia friends just came to my hometown for their 3 days 2 nights trip. I was scratching my head thinking where should i bring them to visit? coz'of here is considered as an old folk town, nothing much for youngster. Fortunately both of them don't mind following me to turn around the whole town and listening to my explanation of those historical tourism point. We were using 2 nights rushing between two states, and then just heading back to airport on timely. I'ld like to tell them that, it's my pleasure to have your visit, I am looking forward for your next visit.
This evening, I already stepped out for my first step. Hopefully the next will come smoothly.....
First day working out for 3 hours~~ It was pretty funny but damn tiring. Gym trainer courtesy of Alexavier.
The noodle after gym really occupying my stomach a very large portion of space. I just couldn't fall asleep. My weekend just finished in no time. I should call it a day now.


6:16 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

气到爆!竟然身为一个成熟男人为了那么一点点小事而呛声要和人绝交?! 天啊是我的EQ 低还是你很幼稚?有什么事就当面讲,不要打了电话又是盖人电话,又是逃避的。学会社交吧!几岁人了还活在自己的世界里。朋友是长久的,难道非搞到不欢而散你才满意?今生能当朋友是我们前世修来的福!祝你好运。

A Lover Concerto

9:58 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

The only meaningful thing i bought from Singapore, a music box with the song "Lover Concerto" that i've chose to you. I'll keep the music box till the day i meet you. Hereby this is the song i attempt to dedicate to you since long time ago. Hopefully you can receive my message, i just can't afford to wait because we don't know what will happen tomorrow.

* How gentle is the rain, that falls softly
on the meadow. Birds high up on the trees,
serenade the clouds with their melodies.*

Oh! See there beyond the hill,
the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us, just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms,
and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.

Now, I belong to you,
from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you
every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry,
through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me, keep this day
in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms, and say
once again you love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.

* How gentle is the rain, that falls softly
on the meadow. Birds high up on the trees,
serenade the clouds with their melodies.*

Repeat *

Oh! See there beyond the hill,
the bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above.
Made this day for us, just to fall in love.
You'll hold me in your arms,
and say once again you'll love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.

Now, I belong to you,
from this day until forever.
Just love me tenderly and I'll give to you
every part of me.
Oh! Don't ever make me cry,
through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me, keep this day
in your heart eternally.
You hold me in your arms, and say
once again you love me.
And that your love is true,
everything will be just as wonderful.


8:35 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)



There is no place i rather be

1:05 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Singapore I was back again! Of course this time is due to something more exciting. (The first time in Singapore was cause off my brother hospitalized). This time would be more happening due to the Vrooom vroom vroom.....Singapore nighttime F1!!! no no no~ not F1, it's my brother ROM or same say as Solemnization! Oh my god, time goes by so rapidly! My brother gonna be officially ppl's hubby.
I got a lot of relatives and friends in Singapore, so living and traveling at there is not a trouble to me, just the 12 hours of journey was really sleepless! I swear i gotta travel all those places that i wish to go and yes i did it, but not totally done. Anyway i got to meet my friend over there, so happy to see them having great life there. Miss the time i had been there, miss the precious moment that i could have with the one i love most.


7:27 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Should i? shouldn't i? Worth or unworthy?

I've just travelled far, just to get some pieces of our memories back from there. No matter where i go, I just can't help thinking of you... so do you? Let go or hold you tight? Hold tight, you'll just like a balloon vent out all the air and drop onto the floor. But if i let the balloon go, it will fly high and i won't get to see it again. Come back to me. I just hope to see you every moment right i opened my eyes.

I Won't - Colbie Caillat

8:15 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said (no)
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend

Cause when it took my heart
It took it all
When you gave it back
I fell apart


I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
My friend
I won't...

Well, maybe you're not right for me
Maybe this is hard to see
I get lost in your beauty
And I just stop questioning
Cause when you took my heart
You took it all
When you gave it back
It fell apart


I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...

You say it's easier to burn than to build
You say it's easier to hurt than to heal
But I say you lose when you give up what you love
And I've lived my life without you long enough


I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...

No, I won't...


10:03 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

要说HERMÈS是全球女人最想拥有的一个品牌,一点都不夸張。一條爱马仕丝巾要耗时一年半制成、每个凱莉包需要数十位工艺家花三天的手工打造,虽然如此,全球预约名單还是接不完,因為它们都可能变成传家宝。爱马仕在飞快的世界,选择留下永恆而非流行,160年的历史,就像人类追求精致美学的縮影,不因商业变调。 HERMÈS总让无数的男女性为之瘋狂。爱马仕的美,在於品牌精神发自內心与人格。在巴黎的道圣誉大道总店,爱马仕令人赞叹的櫥窗,是全球櫥窗设计师膜拜的殿堂,里面甚至有爱马仕的艺廊。优雅的美学风范,來自历代主事者都是杰出的艺术爱好者。

创办人THIERRY HERMÈS 是杰出马具工艺师;现任行政主席杜邁的父亲,是天才绘图师,他过世前留給杜邁最珍貴的遗产,就是数十幅丝巾的草图。所有爱马仕网罗的商品设计者,都是美学与活精致生活的顶尖艺术家。杜邁曾说:我不要盲目买名牌的消費者,我希望他們亲自触摸、嗅闻、鉴赏,因唯有经过拥有者个人气质的浸淫,它才會有生命。

2009 年目前爱马仕的商品已包括了男士领带、香水、居家生活用品等領域,並且有网路商店接受订货喔!


6:57 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

糊涂病态又缠身了。竟然把 小黑的“命根子”(充电器)遗漏在朋友家。天啊!没有它的日子真难过。。。每天期待他的归来,让我的小黑重生!


money and friends

6:59 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Money and friends, which one should come first?

Once moneys come to you, friends thought ego followed you and then friends leave you
Once they are richer and richer, the gap between you and him wider and wider.
wish me good luck.


7:42 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

New learned words 名句精华。"黄毅老师的兵乓拍!"几搞笑一下的。。。
好想念大家。。。两天两夜的马六甲之旅就如同回到自己梦里熟悉的老家一样,多么的亲切。重游马六甲,去游玩的地方少了,但认识的人多了,甚至比起在hometown 还来得多呢?! 然而好友纷纷都变了,口袋的钱多了,人生经验多了,故事也跟着多了。。。但唯独不变的是友谊里那份亲切感。深深的拥抱、畅游、无厘头的玩乐,真是痛快极了!
今日之别不懂合时再能相见。 我期待那天重逢时我们还是没变,改变的惟有是岁月。


11:42 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

Does underwear important for men? Of course it’s. It's one of the last things you take off right before getting down to your business! But is men's underwear really all about sex allure? Not exactly, in my opinion comfortable is the main. But undeniably, sexually fueled underwear still provides their function today.

Boxer, square, bikini, g string, thong or even jockstrap are also designed for homosapiens to have more comfy space your sensitive part or the important part representing yourself (male or female). Especially g-string or thong and jockstrap likewise, types of them are especially designed for those sweating severely and refuse to have sticky or itchy butt after taking off it. e.g. athlete. Contrary, peoples treat as kind of quirks when they notice men in thong, because they thought thong is specially designed for sexy female. But in actual, thong is the only men’s wear in ancient time, even though it still can be found in many tribal groups nowadays.

Men's underwear does serve as function to provide support under clothing, they add a sanitary barrier and it protects a very sensitive area of the body in clean and easy to dry manner. But, has underwear evolved into being more about the sexual allure? So do you think? Or do you just want your underwear for the sex appeal?


8:38 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

时间:茶点时刻 地点:合您广场麦当劳餐厅 人物:友人一家大小与我
就差那么一点!我的身家就被我毁于一旦。还好多亏麦当劳叔叔的庇佑,才让我重索我的小黑。以后别在麦当劳里浪费食物,辣椒酱不要挥霍的拿。会有报应的!呵呵.... 我的全副身家就只有小黑和小白。 一个都不能少。

be thanksgiving

9:46 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Please be a little bit more thankful to what my mum did to you. Even you refuse to have it due to unknown reason, you also have to show some appreciation to me. For me, "I DON'T WANT" tend to be a mean word (maybe i am a 'yes' man). It's hurt. Ya, i shouldn't take anything to you without your permission, no next time i swear!


7:39 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

"Overheard", an ordinary HongKong film that recently shown on cinema. Actually, our original plan was G.I.Joe but the lousy cinema seems running out of ticket. (It were our fault since the movie was started 5 minutes ago, plus there was only a little hall on showing hehe...). While waiting for my friend who still having her sumptuous dinner with her family, we decided to switch our plan to a Cantonese film which is not really well-known, as long as i am not so familiar with it, should be considered as infamous. It only cost us 8 bucks, indirectly reflecting eastern movie c.h.e.a.p.e.r?
While the movie already half-way showing, we just went in right 15 minutes later. We missed few scenes. Well, speaking the actors' acting (not really a action movie) and the story line not too bad, overall it's a nice movie indeed. But there are few scenes are far from the reality. In addition, the main actors in this movie are my favourite actors Louis Koo, LauChingWan, especially Daniel Wu already worth for the watch, where, all the actress unexpected pretty!!! The tenseness story line having a lot of climax which tend to made me breathless but yet i like it.
After the movie we came across to the newly opened cafe named George Town which I had briefly introduce last time. Imitation from Old Town but i think it is better. A cup of refreshen cardamom drink+ oldish english songs, made me enjoy the environment, the most important was enjoying yam-cha with my best friends. We've to called it a day after the supper due to the DAMN COMPANY ask me to work for the half day work, do nothing! Stuck at the middle of my weekend break, make me really sick with it.

掌纹 palmprint

4:07 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Introduce you a very nice song composed by Gary Chow!


1:39 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)







Mum's coffee effect

6:03 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Mum's Coffee effect have made me a sleepless night yesterday, but a good coffee indeed. I just felt refuse to wake up in the morning. Brought along my panda eyes to office, a long long yawning couldn't satisfy me. I wish to have my bed here. Eyes almost close, I hate the jobs that you assigned me, and i want to say i wanna QUIT! So envy my friend got the shareholder from his partner, most of the friends got to be a boss in soon, but not me.

你了解我吗?understand me?

7:02 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)


Wishing to have my backpacker life in soon
eventhough having insufficient of money
I hate my job!
Don't ever tell me those rubbish
These ain't not my scope
Give me a time machine please
I just want my life back!
You won't understand me because u doesn't mean to...

Kata digital rucksack

1:15 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (3)

The newly purchased rucksack from the net, KATA, a brand from Israel. Here are history about the brand:
Nitzan Kimchi and Dror Tishler, founders of KATA, became acquainted with sophisticated military equipment during their service in an elite combat unit. Subsequently, they developed and offered solutions for themselves and other special units for over a decade. In 1992, in response to an increased demand for their products, and following an extended process of product development, they decided to establish KATA.
DR 467 is one of their most popular type of backpack which consist many compartments, e.g. laptop, SLR, bottles, tripod, ipod... and also few multifunction pockets. The rear backpack straps are really comfortable and absolutely suitable for those likely to have a long walk. There 4 variety of colours for this bag, black, green, pink and tan. Mine is in tan. There are two straps with lock which located at chest and also waist for safety purpose. KATA offers 5 years of warranty, to extend to lifetime warranty we have to register in its official website.

wrap-paper from Citylink before unpack
User guide and warranty card
rear and the badge
DR 467
The rain coat for itself
Three major compartments
For bottle i think, but too small for mine
nice nice nice
before and after


9:02 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

I hate this kind of feeling. It's hard to work in a company like this. Everything you have to do even there are out of your job scope. What's the designation?! Asist. Marketing Exec?? Not a sales assistant or salesman please~~! The job scopes were exceeding than what i think already. Moreover, I never expect to be in the marketing field. A copywriter cum receptionist cum office administrative assist cum graphic designer cum art coordinator..... lot lot lot yet. If i wish to be a salesman sure i will not working for this company, there are more and more choices with higher pay out there. I have no more determination to go work. Conclusion, no good cert, no good job. Stay back in my well to be a frog that knows nothing of the great ocean.

11:03 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)


Good book recommendation

2:08 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

早前,向前辈借了本单眼相机入门书籍。感觉不错,听说是从台湾入口的喔,但因为未能在短时间内读完,于是就恨下心来托他订了一本。不久他就在国际书展中帮我买了这本书,再从吉隆玻运回槟城,然后才托人拿回来这里,真是千里迢迢,得来不易呀。这书的内容多到爆,远远超越了入门的水准,从产品到风景拍摄,再从人像到超微以及新机测试和图像修改等无一不缺。几乎每张图片都有着光圈、快门,ISO, 白平及曝光度的调节,让入门学者模仿学习。当然最让我满意的是它也同时结合了照片与心理学的常识。

Leaving or Living

11:31 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Everyone is pursuing for their dreams by leaving their hometown, just like the refugees escape from their chaos homeland seeking for a utopia. There is the same situation in here. Since when i seldom have a walk down through the town?... or maybe the "lighter colour" over here is definitely not dare to walk alone over here. Just because here is crowded with the XXX, which is often lead to the crime act. Money and relationship is directly denote the power of control. Rich one always try to dominate everything over here, no one cares about poor. Result, a big gap between the levels of the society. Consequently, everyone escape from here just ahead to their right of being fair and further living in peace.

Friends left here just right after they graduated from secondary school. So do i? I felt to leave too, but i couldn't left my family behind, even how "GOOD" is here. Study is my dream but seems farer and farer to me. Certificate is only a pass for us to get through the gate of higher level society, it's still very important ticket to me. Hopefully dreams come true right after i wake up in the next morning, god will ride herd on everything and judge for the fair perhaps.

A phone has changed phones forever

9:58 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (3)

All new iPhone 3G [S] launched yesterday! Integrated with the auto focus 3.0 megapixel camera and also video recording. Voice control, MMS, digital compass, shake for undo, shake to next song, cut, copy and paste.... are the new functions can be found in this new gadget. iPhone is cheaper in price but a fastest iPhone yet.

yee musical function band

6:42 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Anyone interested in it, please contact me or the poster stated person. This is the best wedding & function band ever have in town!

Special Trip

9:56 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

Conventional Centre outlook
Before and After
Stage and the Entrance
Working of course never forgot to take picture with lenglui la!
Boss's Condo
The deserted Starbucks and the KLCC in the midnight
The Garden
KLCC night view and our working situation
Sunway Lagoon; Jeen and me
view from Boss's house
Yam Cha with my friends and meet my dad!

A special trip to KL last week, my company sent me to the KLCC to have an expo which was International Beauty Expo. You must be curious what does my company selling. Nothing strange, one of my company products is the healthy natural progesterone body creme. (Suitable for those having hormonal imbalance female). I am also dono why my company send me there as a marketing representative, since i am male. Well, speaking to the expo... of course it's damn sian. Other than watching to the 'leng lui' and celebrities, there was nothing much entertainment over there.

Anyway, i learned of lot of experiences from this expo, e.g. first time deal with the trade buyers, end users, getting thro' the organizer authority, sharing the precious photo shooting knowledge from senior, lending a great book from DSLR senior, staying at my boss's 5 stars condo, having a luxury life with my boss, getting the chance to take photos with leng lui as well!!.... It sounds not too bad. Fortunately, i got to meet up my friends and my lovely dad, helped my friend in choosing a DSLR. It was really 不枉此行。