
8:05 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Congratulation Ah Bung! From all of us for your... don't know how many time of your succeed in audition. Although we've missed out your on stage interview, we still sharing your glorious. You did it very well, we are proud of you. As i know, you never fail from any interview since i know you. Great job. Once again, thank you for being there, and congratulation! We enjoy to listen to your singing. The great voice and the music talent have bestowed on you by god, hopefully you will appreciate it and continue improve.

Horrible Examination

10:12 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

Night mare started again, when i am trying to do my preparation for the final exam. I kept fall asleep when studying, but always awakened by the horrible night mare. It's so terrible. I hate calculation but i have to do so, no choice. I am phobia about numbers, does anyone raise their helping hand on me? All mathematic symbols are not belong to me. I am not interested in all these of subjects but freakishly i am here having the second semester, wondering.... But I don't wanna let anyone look down on me. Am i over stressed? I don't think so, hopefully nope as well. These are my desire campus life? I am torturing myself, contrary my friends having their great life.... I groan, groan, groan.... It's time to stop blogging and continue my 'effort' to put an eye on my notesss. (Yawning....) Otherwise, i'll killed by my mum. 

Angle of view

12:40 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)


12:20 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (4)

今晚是 ah bung 的驻唱,我们又去了民歌餐厅。今晚的音响出了很多状况,使到驻唱歌手的演唱心情不佳。突然我被 ah bung 点名上台去唱,就算我有多少个不愿意都得硬着头皮到台上去。就这样我被点唱了两首歌,都由ah bung来为我吉他伴奏。当我准备要进第一首歌时,状况又出现了,我用尽了办法都进不到调子。幸好 在 ah bung 的协助下我成功用僵硬的唱法将整首歌给唱完。当时我注意到全店的人都注视着我,让我觉得非常的不好意思。没想到第二首歌曲的桥段让我失去重心,身体突然觉得不适,全身因缺氧而抽筋麻痹。我真的已经使尽我全力还是不能把音准唱好,就连基本的高音、尖音,咬字都唱得乱七八糟的。抽筋的状况持续下去,我的眼睛就快要看不见歌谱。我被逼随便带过以顺利完成整首歌。最后我连结尾都轻易的带过就算。走下台的当儿我觉得整脚酥麻,同时让我觉得不知颜面该放哪儿好。还好店员歌手都安慰我说唱得还可以,然而我懂我自己技不如人不必和人比较。“”本来就不该是我的饭,就算我再努力结果都会是一样。虽然你们都说我有好声线,但是我懂我的肺活量本来就是有缺限,谢谢大家的鼓励。我还是会清醒的! 

New room renovation

4:24 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

We have started our renovation work after we bought the furniture from IKEA. First of all, we painted on of the wall in dark brown and light brown, whereas the rest we painted it into white to enhance the colour. We used more than one day to done all furnish. Although we broke the large mirror that we hang it on the door during the midnight of renovation, we still continue our job in the next morning. We have done the drill, paste, installation, cleanliness step in theses three days. It's extremely tired. With two of us effort, we have done all these DIY. Clap for us... Below are the pictures show our effort.