I Won't - Colbie Caillat

8:15 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said (no)
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend

Cause when it took my heart
It took it all
When you gave it back
I fell apart


I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
My friend
I won't...

Well, maybe you're not right for me
Maybe this is hard to see
I get lost in your beauty
And I just stop questioning
Cause when you took my heart
You took it all
When you gave it back
It fell apart


I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...

You say it's easier to burn than to build
You say it's easier to hurt than to heal
But I say you lose when you give up what you love
And I've lived my life without you long enough


I won't do what you told me
I won't do what you said, no
I'm not gonna stop feeling
I'm not gonna forget it
I don't wanna start over
I don't wanna pretend it
You are not my lover
Guess you're only my friend
I won't...

No, I won't...


10:03 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

要说HERMÈS是全球女人最想拥有的一个品牌,一点都不夸張。一條爱马仕丝巾要耗时一年半制成、每个凱莉包需要数十位工艺家花三天的手工打造,虽然如此,全球预约名單还是接不完,因為它们都可能变成传家宝。爱马仕在飞快的世界,选择留下永恆而非流行,160年的历史,就像人类追求精致美学的縮影,不因商业变调。 HERMÈS总让无数的男女性为之瘋狂。爱马仕的美,在於品牌精神发自內心与人格。在巴黎的道圣誉大道总店,爱马仕令人赞叹的櫥窗,是全球櫥窗设计师膜拜的殿堂,里面甚至有爱马仕的艺廊。优雅的美学风范,來自历代主事者都是杰出的艺术爱好者。

创办人THIERRY HERMÈS 是杰出马具工艺师;现任行政主席杜邁的父亲,是天才绘图师,他过世前留給杜邁最珍貴的遗产,就是数十幅丝巾的草图。所有爱马仕网罗的商品设计者,都是美学与活精致生活的顶尖艺术家。杜邁曾说:我不要盲目买名牌的消費者,我希望他們亲自触摸、嗅闻、鉴赏,因唯有经过拥有者个人气质的浸淫,它才會有生命。

2009 年目前爱马仕的商品已包括了男士领带、香水、居家生活用品等領域,並且有网路商店接受订货喔!


6:57 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

糊涂病态又缠身了。竟然把 小黑的“命根子”(充电器)遗漏在朋友家。天啊!没有它的日子真难过。。。每天期待他的归来,让我的小黑重生!


money and friends

6:59 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Money and friends, which one should come first?

Once moneys come to you, friends thought ego followed you and then friends leave you
Once they are richer and richer, the gap between you and him wider and wider.
wish me good luck.