
8:57 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

23 march 09 1142pm 寂寞的夜,

msn 聊了一会儿。


8:49 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

Holy gosh! i was so frustrated, and blur indeed last night! I just bought an ulcer meditation lotion in the morning. The outer look of the container is just exactly the same as my other medicine which is specially prescribed for my foot (For external use only). Just a bit difference between the size. Don't know why they were placed side by side on my table.
And don't know why again i used the wrong solution medicine drop into my mouth. Fortunately i never swallow it. Quickly, i rushed into basin and washed it, but the taste of that medicine still remained in my mouth.
This morning i got diarrhea. Don't know is due to the wrong prescribed of the medicine last night?!

it's my b'day

7:45 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (3)

Starring: jummy, bird, fuzin, piggy and me.
315 was my birthday. It's so hard to describe the feeling of being older and older day after day. Since toddler, we wish to grow up fast but now we hope the time could be stopped. This year, the celebration become simple and lesser person compared to last year. However, I were satisfy because a lot of my friends still could remember to send their warmest regards to me, even the only present i got is far from my wishing list. hahaha... Anyway, thanks a lot my dearest friends.
Now introducing.... my birthday cake presented by jummy, bird, fuzin and also piggy.
Deng deng deng deng, from bread history
open box
woosh... jummy's hand and Tiger behind
Black Forest
我来huhuu~~ happy birthday to me!!

Earth Hour 2009 全球熄燈環保行動

6:32 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

全球370個城市於2008年3月29日把燈關掉一小時,為世界各地的人帶來了深刻影響,運動喚起全球對氣候變化這迫切問題的關注,並獲得來自七大洲共 5,000萬人的支持。雖然每個參與城市的情況各有不同,但目標卻是一致,就是共抗全球暖化。現號召全球人類響應參與2009年3月28日晚上8時30分 關燈一小時。

When the lights went off in 370 cities around the world on March 29, 2008, it made a lasting impact on people around the globe. With 50 million participants stretching across all seven continents, Earth Hour 2008 was a worldwide call for more attention to be given to the pressing issue of climate change. Though stories from participants varied by city, the central theme was universal: we are united to stop global warming.

Earth Hour 2009 will happen at 8:30 pm on 28 March 2009 and Helping Angels wants to play a part in promoting the movement. Join us in March by turning off your lights and all electrical appliances for an hour to help raise awareness about global warming. To sign up go to
www.earthhour.org and watch for more news as the date approaches.

Wishing List!

9:03 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (3)

Birthday is approaching!! Nothing much for my birthday in this year but a long long wishing list going all the way down from Alor Star to Singapore... haha...

Don't know why i am so excited today, maybe due to Maxis have brought the Apple authorization
to sell iPhone officially in Malaysia. Is it for my birthday present? hmmm.... Even i know i am unable to own it but i were so happy while listen on this news. At least i am one step toward my iPhone.

Well below is my wishing list where only dare to get it in dream.
iPhone in white color... Of course lar~~
Compatible flash for A200 (Sigma Electronic Flash EF-530 DG ST (Sony ADI))
Extra CF memory card for A200
Extra Li-ion battery for A200
Crumple Laptop + DSLR backpack carrier
The Customary Barge or The Brazilian Dollar Home

22" LCD monitor (white)
MacBook laptop lock
Macbook aluminum/ Mac mini/ iMac (LCD waived)
a good DSLR guide book
and an Archi' course

So do you feel i am overly materialistic? YES I AM.


10:32 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)

本田CITY "锋范"换代式的变化,完全让人耳目一新。重新设计车身结构和比例的CITY 锋范,俨然一个充满阳光朝气、魅力十足的男人,灵动、年轻、活力成为它最大的特征。宽大的水箱格栅、棱角分明的五菱型尾灯、焕然一新的前大灯设计、被嵌入在CITY 锋范后保险杠内的排气管,以及运动型轮毂,令CITY 锋范整车都透露出一股运动风,健康活力,男人味浑然于整个车身。
CITY 锋范的前脸造型同样令人砰然心动,如同美男子给人的印象,拥有俊美的脸部轮廓和帅气的五官,也继承了本田的新家族式标识——宽大的前水箱格栅,更加凸显年轻气息与钢刃气魄,体现了本田最新的品牌设计语言。如同新凯越像君越一样,有着同样大格栅的CITY 锋范与第八代雅阁 Accord相同,俨然变身成了“小号”雅阁。CITY 锋范还采用了奥德赛的整体式大灯风格,带有鲜明的欧洲版两厢思域风格,“眼神”更加犀利有神,如同男人炯炯有神的眼睛能够勾魂夺魄。CITY 锋范的反光镜不再配备转向灯,感觉非常简约干净。

CITY 锋范的车身仍然采用紧凑的外型,后部短尾造型和大倾角前挡风玻璃,集成了各种流行元素,美观大方。整个车身凸显强硬的感觉,强劲有力,这也是本田特有的汽车设计风格之一。CITY 锋范的腰线有着鲜明的三厢CIVIC风格,不过更有张力也更锐利,车门保护饰条较老款更加精致,与车门更好的融为了一体,车身侧面包围因此显得更加运动化,比较类似跑车。由于轴距要比老一代车型长不少,CITY 锋范整车显得很大气,动感十足,甚至比CIVIC看起来更加运动,吸引多数年轻用户。

其中最大的变化应该是乘员舱。CITY 锋范的车长为400毫米,宽1695毫米。由于采用完全与两厢车型不同的乘员舱结构,因此车高减了足足35毫米,车顶弧线更流畅,比例也更协调。CITY 锋范最大的亮点则来自于尾部造型,在本田所有轿车车型的造型设计中显得格外独特。CITY 锋范成功地消除了CITY固有的C柱和尾箱造型不协调问题,开创出一种与众不同的设计风格,让人倍感新颖。

CITY 即可衬托出完美男人的翩翩风度,高品质的内饰也更让CITY 锋范的魅力四射。从内饰来看,CITY 锋范内部布局非常整齐,简洁美观,内饰配置感觉像一款中高级轿车,同样实现了“跃级而立”的品质。CITY 锋范的内饰部分依旧沿用了一直以来的硬塑与织布相结合的设计,并辅以小面积的类钛银装饰点缀整个车辆内部,更符合年轻人审美的标准。