
12:47 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (4)

An earlier birthday present

9:19 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Awake from my short nap in evening, i caught a glimpse of a man carrying a pillow and bolster in front of me, but my eyesight was quite blur on that time. After i rub my eyes, out of blue, i get shock on that. My friend gave me a bed set as my early birthday present. It sound so weird, i never receive a present like this. I still thought it was a dream. 

In addition, it bring sweet dream for me, although the shape of the bolster is a bit abnormal la...... Finally, my long lost sweet dream came back! Thanks friend, i really appreciate on it. Thank you for all of you, who keep on tolerate with a grumpy person like me. (ah Le, Yann & Chin). Well, thanks to Ah bung too!

Music Unlimited

10:48 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Let me sing a song for all my friends
Give me a stage
Pass me a guitar
Let me impress all of you
I love singing 
Altho' i don't have an angel's voice
At least i can sing with my soul 
Play with my own instrument
Even i am not talented at all
let me sing a song for all my friends
i can impress everyone in
every nook and the corner of this world.
I shall keep on dream 
And i know u won't understand me
But i still believe the spirit of the music

Review on 长江7号

5:17 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

Nice, awesome friction movie! When you ask me who is my favourite director on movie recently? It is no doubt Mr. Stephen Chow, who have dedicated a lot in Chinese comedy field. I have watched his movie since I was only tiny toddler. Recent years, he has frequently involved in the directorial and the script written part of the movie. Undeniably, he really talented in producing a lot of slapstick scripts. 

Before planning to go for this movie, some people told me not to put to much of hope onto this movie. Reason of, the movie seems to be a children's cartoon, the duration of the movie too short, and not worth to pay for the cinema ticket as well. Without any hesitation i went for CJ7 along with a group buddies during weekend. As what they told me, contrary, we really enjoy the whole flow of this movie. Furthermore, it makes me shed tear in the middle of the movie.
Well, the plot of CJ7 is actually simpler compared to another movie. In my opinion, this movie may not suit majority of the audiences demand in this world. But we can see clearly throughout the movie, how many hard works they have embedded into CJ7. Every single actor plays their part well. Especially, Xu Jiao the little girl who play as a boy named Dicky in CJ7, and the Alien七仔 as well. hehe..... The contribution of them shouldn't be trashed all. 
Please support Asia quality product. 



11:11 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)


9:49 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (4)

今天无意走入了一间有兴趣的店面,看见喜爱的物件(laptop lock) 却有意要买。一声嘶吼突而其来让我给吓了一大跳。抬头一看原来是店长,他用瞧不起我的眼神和语气吼道 “Don't play with the lock!" 

我就很不服气的反问回他“ Excuse me, do you have the lock for the macbook like this?" 他就连忙换个口气指示了个方向给我并吩咐了其他店员拿给我看。没料到,他店员却告诉我没货。哈!没想到我的第一反应确是翻回去大声讲 "What kind of lousy shop is this!货交不出来却大声的呼顾客!" 



8:27 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

二月十五日,我们六展开了筹划已久的双威乐园游。上午十一时到达了目的地后,我们以最紧张、愉快的心情、最快的速度赶到售票处买票。更衣后就开始了第一项水上活动。首先来个口号 “诶皮皮要一,诶票”。Ah Bung 取的口号没人听得懂,唯有我们了解。哈哈! 

在这儿无论是湿或干的游戏都会让你乐透透。乐园里数之不尽的游戏通通都被我们重复的玩了好几遍,因为酱才会回本嘛!很多自小就因胆却而不敢玩的刺激游戏我都一一征服了!!yeahaa! 其中就如 "Tomahawk 360 degree of upside down swings",玩完后才发现并不怎么刺激。游戏中途我们还到小孩专区去扮可爱、假做刺激,家长与小孩看见我们的举止都摸不着头脑的笑着回应。这就是我们开心车队的做风!
各式的水上活动玩完后,我们就向The World's Longest Pedestrian Suspension Bridge”出发, 428米长的吊桥我们都陪伴着畏高症的朋友走过,让他克服了心力障碍。吊桥上一路可一览乐园全景,美不胜收。我们三男三女都玩翻了整个乐园,因为有些游戏的快乐是我们自找的。别人是体验不到的。


10:25 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)

Colorless Valentine's Day

10:21 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (1)


5:10 AM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (2)

国油的广告又一次的唤醒我,团圆饭在我们华人传统里的重要性。 一个孤儿不懂团圆饭的场景是张得怎么样的。如果能的或,请回家一起享用团圆饭。因为....唯有没家的孩子才不懂 团 圆 饭 

"Please be home for reunion dinner. If you can."  






11:17 PM / Posted by Kenyon / bites on an apple (0)
